Transforming Document Workflow – The Power of Intelligent Data Extraction with Decisions

Transforming Document Workflow - The Power of Intelligent Data Extraction with DecisionsTransforming Document Workflow - The Power of Intelligent Data Extraction with Decisions

Transforming Document Workflow – The Power of Intelligent Data Extraction with Decisions

In today’s digital world, manual data entry is becoming increasingly obsolete. Businesses are constantly seeking new and efficient ways to extract and process data from documents. This information is essential for streamlining processes and making informed decisions. Intelligent data extraction (IDE) is a cutting-edge technology that addresses this challenge by automating the data extraction process with AI integration.

What is Intelligent Data Extraction?

IDE is a transformative technology that automates the process of capturing data from diverse documents, extracting relevant information, and organizing it in a structured format. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), IDE systems thoroughly analyze and process documents with remarkable accuracy and efficiency. This approach significantly reduces manual intervention and human errors, leading to improved productivity and faster processing times.

Benefits of Intelligent Data Extraction

Implementing IDE in your document processing workflows offers a multitude of interconnected benefits, including:

  • Enhanced accuracy: By automating extraction and validation, IDE reduces the risk of human errors, improving the data quality by ensuring precise and reliable information.
  • Reduced processing time: Automating data extraction and validation tasks reduces manual intervention and data entry. This approach accelerates the overall document processing workflow, saving time and improving operational efficiency.
  • Quicker response times: The swift extraction of relevant information from documents enables businesses to provide timely and accurate results, ultimately enhancing the customer experience.
  • Improved internal operations: IDE optimizes efficiency by automating tedious, time-consuming tasks. This allows employees to focus on strategic responsibilities, leading to better resource allocation and increased productivity.

The AI Revolution is Coming to E-commerce

Integrating IDE into your document processing workflows is a strategic move that drives efficiency and productivity. By automating the extraction of data from various documents such as invoices, offer letters, and billing documentation, businesses can accelerate their operations, lower costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

To maximize the benefits of IDE, leverage business process automation platforms that excel at AI orchestration. These platforms not only offer advanced data extraction capabilities but also seamlessly integrate with your existing processes and work with your legacy systems. This integration ensures a smooth transition and enables the enhancement of processes without disrupting the workflow or requiring a complete overhaul of existing systems.

By choosing a business process automation platform with AI orchestration capabilities, you can leverage the power of IDE while preserving the investments you have made in your current infrastructure. Such platforms provide a flexible and scalable solution that can adapt to your evolving business needs and integrate with various systems, databases, and applications. This compatibility empowers businesses to optimize their document processing workflows, achieve higher levels of efficiency, and make data-driven decisions.

Intelligent data extraction is a transformative technology that offers a wide range of benefits for businesses of all sizes. By automating the document processing workflow and eliminating manual data entry, IDE can help businesses improve accuracy, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. If you are looking for a way to optimize your document processing workflows, intelligent data extraction is a solution worth considering.

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Insuring the Future – How AI is Revolutionizing the Insurance Industry

Insuring the Future - How AI is Revolutionizing the Insurance IndustryInsuring the Future - How AI is Revolutionizing the Insurance Industry

Insuring the Future – How AI is Revolutionizing the Insurance Industry

The insurance industry, traditionally known for its risk assessment and claims processing, has witnessed a profound transformation in recent years, thanks to the integration of AI and intelligent automation. McKinsey predicts the industry is on the verge of a seismic, tech-driven shift.These cutting-edge technologies are reshaping the way insurers operate, enhancing customer experiences, optimizing underwriting processes, and mitigating risks. Here, we explore the significant impacts of AI and intelligent automation in the insurance sector.

Here are some of the key ways AI and intelligent automation are transforming the insurance industry:

  • Underwriting
    AI and intelligent automation can help insurers to automate the underwriting process, making it faster and more efficient. For example, AI can be used to extract relevant information from application documents, such as driving records and credit reports. This information can then be used by AI models to assess the risk profile of the applicant and recommend a premium.
  • Claims processing
    AI and intelligent automation can also be used to automate the claims processing process. This can help to reduce the time it takes for customers to receive their payouts. For example, AI can be used to triage claims, identify potential fraud, and process simple claims without human intervention.
  • Customer service
    AI and intelligent automation can be used to improve customer service by providing customers with 24/7 access to information and support. For example, chatbots can be used to answer customer questions and provide support with tasks such as policy changes and claims filing.
  • Fraud detection
    AI can be used to detect fraudulent claims and policies. This can help insurers to reduce fraud losses and protect their customers. For example, AI can be used to identify patterns of fraudulent behavior and to identify claims that are likely to be fraudulent.
  • Product development
    AI can be used to develop new and innovative insurance products. For example, AI can be used to develop personalized insurance products that are tailored to the individual needs of customers.

The AI Revolution is Coming to E-commerce

A number of insurance companies are already using AI and intelligent automation to transform their businesses. For example:

  • State Farm is using AI to automate the underwriting process for its homeowners insurance policies. This has helped State Farm to reduce the time it takes to underwrite a policy from 5 days to 1 day.
  • Progressive is using AI to detect fraudulent claims. This has helped Progressive to reduce its fraud losses by millions of dollars.
  • Geico is using chatbots to provide customer support. This has helped Geico to reduce the cost of its customer service operations.

AI and intelligent automation are undoubtedly transforming the insurance industry. These technologies are not only streamlining underwriting processes, but they are also improving customer experiences, enhancing claims processing efficiency, and elevating risk assessment and mitigation to new heights.

As technology continues to advance, insurers who embrace these innovations will remain competitive and better equipped to navigate the challenges of the modern insurance landscape. The insurance industry is on the cusp of an AI revolution, and the benefits it offers to both insurers and policyholders are bound to expand further in the years to come.

Get a free Proof Of Concept

Sign up for a free POC worth $5000 for RPA or for a review of your existing RPA and AI implementation. Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s automation team today to find out more about what RPA can do for you.

The Future is Autonomous : Tangentia & the Autonomous Enterprise

An Autonomous Digital Enterprise (ADE) is growth-oriented, replacing manual and redundant tasks with automated intelligence and freeing up people to be creative, serve customers, and collaborate on higher-level pursuits. The successful ADE is defined by these three criteria and outcomes

Actionable insights

By leveraging newer technologies and analytics, an ADE can move beyond data correlations and business or system alerts towards true actionable insights, broader perspectives, and predictive intelligence to drive faster, better decision making.

Business agility

By automating rote and redundant tasks, organizations gain the flexibility to better understand & guide the digital enterprise towards innovation, leading to significant improvements in customer satisfaction, employee engagement, & operational performance.

Customer centricity

By minimizing the effort required to manage the large, complex digital enterprise, employees are freed up to work closer with business lines and customers to better understand the dynamically changing market & provide a superior experience.

Get Started on Your Autonomous Digital Transformation Journey Today

Book a discovery call with a member of Tangentia’s intelligent automation team today to find out more about what we can do for you.

Monthly Tangentia Byte September 2023

  • Tangentia Byte September 2023Tangentia Byte September 2023

    Monthly Tangentia Byte
    September 2023


Tangentia Open 2023 – A Resounding Success!  

We’re thrilled to share that Tangentia Open 3.0 exceeded all expectations with an outstanding lineup of speakers, engaging discussions, and a vibrant community of attendees discussions, and a vibrant community of attendees. 

Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the incredible speakers, partners, and attendees who contributed to this phenomenal achievement. Your active participation and enthusiasm made the event truly exceptional. 

As we reflect on this success, we’re more inspired than ever to continue shaping the future of technology and automation. Stay tuned for exciting updates and future events as we move forward together! 


Two Decades Strong: A Legacy of Success

Founded in 2003, Tangentia has pioneered the development of cutting-edge technologies that have helped businesses of all sizes to transform and grow. From its award-winning cloud computing platform TiA Gateway to its innovative TiA (Tangentia Intelligent Automation) suite of automation and machine learning solutions, Tangentia has always been at the forefront of technological innovation.

Over the past 20 years, Tangentia has built a strong reputation for excellence and reliability. Its customer base includes some of the world’s leading brands, and its solutions have been used to support a wide range of industries, including healthcare, financial services, and retail and manufaturing.

As Tangentia celebrates its 20th anniversary, it is well-positioned to continue its growth and success in the years to come. The company has a strong foundation of innovation, expertise, and customer trust. It is also committed to investing in new technologies and expanding its global reach.

Tangentia’s 20th anniversary is a testament to the hard work and dedication of its employees, customers, and partners. We are truly grateful for the support received over the years and look forward to continuing to provide innovative technology solutions that help businesses to grow and transform.


Ecommerce 2.0 : The AI-powered Revolution

Delve deep into the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in the world of e-commerce. Discover how AI is reshaping the online shopping experience, from personalized product recommendations to efficient operations and even combatting fake reviews.

Explore real-world examples from e-commerce giants like Amazon,, Alibaba, and eBay. Embrace the future of shopping and learn how AI is redefining the way we connect with brands and experience online retail. Read more about the incredible impact of AI in e-commerce here.


Strategic Approaches to RPA : Your Tactical Roadmap for Efficiency

Discover the strategic path to harnessing the power of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with our insightful guide. In the ever-evolving world of business, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and productivity reign supreme. RPA technology offers the potential to achieve these goals, but selecting the right RPA project is crucial. Dive into our comprehensive article, as it explores the strategic considerations and steps to identify the optimal RPA project for your organization. Learn how to maximize productivity, reduce errors, save costs, and improve compliance with RPA. Read more about selecting the perfect RPA strategy


Thank you to all the enthusiastic participants of the

“Selfie with Ganesha 2023” contest! 

We extend our gratitude to all employees, both at our India-based offices and across the globe, for actively engaging in the “Selfie with Ganesha” contest. Your participation in spreading joy and extending good wishes during this festive occasion is sincerely appreciated.

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